Rates & Policies

Beginning January 1, 2025, our water rates will increase by 3% which will include the minimum charge as well as per thousand gallons.  Listed below, you will find our new/current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

Standard Residential 3/4" Meter and 1" Meter For Routes 1-4

Monthly Minimum: 3/4" Meter
Monthly Minimum: 1" Meter
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
All water per thousand gallons $8.49/1,000 gal.:
Add: EPA Fee .40
Add: Sales Tax Outside Batesville City Limits 8%
Sales Tax in Batesville City Limits 10%

Our system's water meters are read each month. Please contact our office for any additional information.


Average Billing Examples for 3/4" Meter For Routes 1-4

Add EPA Fee and sales tax that pertains to your area.
Usage (gal.): Bill Total:
2,000 $41.38
5,000 $66.85
10,000 $109.30
25,000 $236.65
30,000 $279.10

The average water bill during the off-peak months is: 
The average water bill during peak or summer months is:

Standard Residential 3/4" Meter and 1" Meter For Route 5

Monthly Minimum: 3/4" Meter
Monthly Minimum: 1" Meter
All water per thousand gallons $8.49/1,000 gal.:
Add: EPA Fee .40
Add: Sales Tax Outside Batesville City Limits 8%

Average Billing Examples for 3/4" Meter For Route 5

Add EPA Fee and sales tax that pertains to your area.
Usage (gal.): Bill Total:
2,000 $44.56
5,000 $70.03
10,000 $112.48
25,000 $239.83
30,000 $282.28